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ISSN 0582-9879                                          ACTA BIOCHIMICA et BIOPHYSICA SINICA 2003, 35(8): 741–746                                    CN 31-1300/Q


Short Communication

Analysis of Rat Electroencephalogram during Slow Wave Sleep and Transition Sleep Using Wavelet Transform

FENG Zhou-Yan*

( Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)


Abstract The dynamic features of rat EEGs collected during slow wave sleep (SWS) and transition sleep (TS) were investigated in both time and frequency domains using wavelet transform based on multi-resolution signal decomposition. EEGs of freely moving rats were recorded with implanted electrodes and then decomposed into four components of δ, θ, α and β using wavelet transform. The power and power percentage of each component were calculated as functions of time. In SWS EEGs, the results showed that there existed as much as 26.2%±7.7% time duration in which the δ power percentage was less than 50%. In addition, the powers of other three components in small δ EEGs were significantly larger than those in large δ EEGs. This result revealed a reciprocal relationship between δ oscillation and spindle oscillation. Comparatively, the conventional method of FFT based power spectrum could only show a δ power-dominating (70.6%±6.4%) spectrum of SWS EEGs. In the non-stationary TS EEG, spindle and non-spindle segments were distinguished based on the wavelet components of θ and α, and then the average duration of the spindles was estimated. In conclusion, the wavelet transform may be useful in developing novel quantitative time-frequency measures of sleep EEGs as valuable complements of conventional FFT method to analyze the transient changes in sleep EEGs induced by physiological, pathological or pharmacological conditions.


Key words     wavelet transform; EEG; slow wave sleep; transition sleep; FFT power spectrum


Electroencephalogram(EEG) reflects the integrative activities of synaptic potentials of millions of pyramidal cells in the cerebral cortex. Its amplitude and rhythm frequency change greatly under different physiological and pathological conditions. For example, EEG appears as low-amplitude fast waves during waking state, high-amplitude slow waves during slow wave sleep (SWS), evident θ waves during paradoxical sleep (PS), and high amplitude spikes within epileptic seizure periods. Since the introduction of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) by Cooley and Tukey in 1965, the FFT power spectral analysis has become the most common method to quantitate the power distribution in EEG[17]. However, this method assumes the signal to be stationary, not changing with time[1,2]. Therefore, the spectrum can only show an average power distribution in frequency domain without any change information in time domain.

In reality, EEG always possesses many fast changes in transients. To treat it as a stationary signal as in FFT spectral analysis will neglect those types of information. Especially, during transition sleep (TS) that defined as a period between SWS sleep and PS sleep[8,9], EEG is obviously non-stationary since the low amplitude waves and the high amplitude sleep spindles appear alternately. This type of EEG is not suitable to be analyzed by FFT spectrum.

In recent years, the wavelet transform (WT) method for the time-frequency analysis of signal has been developed. Based on the algorithm of multi-resolution signal decomposition, WT is useful to fast locate the non-stationary signal simultaneously in frequency and time domains. It has been applied in the analysis of biomedical signals[1013] such as noise filtering, data compression, spike detection, event-related potential evaluation[14] and fetal electrocortical activity investigation[1517]. Especially, a lot of work has been done in analysis of epileptiform activity of EEG[1822] by using WT methods. However, few works have been reported on using WT to investigate sleep EEG signals.

In this paper, the WT method is applied to reveal the time evolution of different frequency components in EEGs of SWS sleep and transition sleep, which provided some potential quantitative measures of sleep EEGs.


1    Methods

1.1   Wavelet transform

Wavelet transform decomposes a signal into a set of basis functions that are formed from a single prototype wavelet, called mother wavelet function, by dilations and contractions in scales as well as shifts in time domain. The wavelet becomes wider under a larger scale and narrower under a smaller scale to obtain various resolutions on time-scale plane. Here, the scale corresponds to the frequency in FFT spectrum. The dilations and contractions of wavelets enable WT to produce both good time resolutions at high frequencies and good frequency resolutions at low frequencies, which is especially suitable for analyzing both long-term slow alterations and short-term quick alterations in EEG. In this paper, we use the fast WT algorithm of multiresolution signal decomposition[23]. Briefly speaking, the algorithm repeatedly filters the sampled time sequence x(n) by a set of paired high-pass and low-pass filters to yield a detail component and an approximate component on every scale level. Each of the two components occupies half of the total frequency band on the corresponding scale level with the detail one in higher half and the approximate one in the lower half. Suppose cDj,k and cAj,k are the coefficients of the detail component Dj and the approximate component Aj on the scale level j and the time k, respectively. Then, Dj and Aj are in the following frequency bands[15,24]:


Dj[2(j+1)Fs,      2jFs](1)




where, Fs is the samplinrrg rate. The original signal x(n) can be represented as the sum of components, namely:




1.2   EEG recording and processing

Under urethane (Biomedical product of China) anesthesia (1.25 g/kg i.p.), nine adult Sprague-Dawley rats (approximately 250 g, both sex, from Laboratory Animal Center in Zhejiang) were implanted with EEG recording electrodes(made in our laboratory) over the right frontal cortex, the right occipital cortex, and a ground electrode over the cerebellum. The electrodes were secured to the skull with dental cement (Biomedical product of China). Rats were allowed to recover from surgery for a week before EEG recording[5,7].

EEG signals were amplified with a low-pass filter of 100 Hz, digitized at 400 Hz by a PowerLab system (AD Instruments) with 12-bit A/D and then stored into a computer. Three vigilance states of waking, SWS and PS were recognized by visual inspection of rat behaviors and the patterns of EEG waves. About 4 min occipital EEG segment was selected from each rat under SWS sleep. Because there was no obvious TS epochs in three rats, we collected a total of 17 TS EEG epochs with an average duration of 15.4 s ± 5.6 s (x±s) from six rats.

These EEG signals were re-sampled with a lower sampling rate of 128 Hz after they were filtered by an 8th order low-pass digital Butterworth filter with a cut-off frequency of 30 Hz. Then, Daubechies 10 wavelet function was applied to decompose the EEGs into 4 scale levels and the following components in corresponding frequency bands were used in further analyses: δ (A4, 04 Hz), θ (D4, 48 Hz), α(D3, 816 Hz), β (D2, 1632 Hz)[15,24]. Finally, the time evolution power curve and power percentage curve in each of these frequency bands were evaluated with overlapping time windows of 0.5 s and 0.125 s shift step. For comparison, FFT based power spectrums were estimated for every 8 s of SWS EEGs, which resulted in a frequency resolution of 0.125 Hz, and then averaged over the total 4 min EEG.


2    Results

Fig.1 shows a 16 s segment of SWS EEG and its power curves of four wavelet components of δ, θ, α and β. Obviously, the powers of the components varied with time. At some transients, the δ waves dominated over the signal; while at other transients, faster waves dominated. However, the FFT power spectrum of a 4 min EEG epoch at the same time only displayed that the power in δ band was significantly higher than others (Fig.2).

Fig.1       SWS EEG and its power curves of WT components

(A) A 16 s segment of SWS EEG. (B) Power curve of δ WT component. (C) Power curve of θ WT component. (D) Power curve of αWT component. (E) Power curve of β WT component.2.1Analysis of SWS EEG


Fig.2       FFT based power spectrum of a 4 min SWS EEG


The histograms of absolute power and power percentage of the four components calculated from a 4 min SWS EEG are shown in Fig.3(A) and 3(B). The mean value of δ power located in the highest position, and those of θ and α powers located in the middle positions, while that of β power located in the lowest position [Fig.3(A)]. The situations were similar in the histograms of power percentage [Fig.3(B)]. These indicated that the mean values were consistent with those of FFT power spectrum in Fig.2. However, there were cross sections among all of the four components in both histograms, and the power percentage of δ component ranged from less than 10% to more than 90% [Fig.3(B)], which meant that at some time the δ power was even smaller than the powers of the other components.


Fig.3       Histograms of powers and power percentages of the WT components

(A) Histograms of powers of the four WT components computed from the same 4 min SWS EEG as used in Fig.2. (B) Histograms of power percentages of the four WT components.


We divided each SWS EEG epoch collected from all the nine rats into two groups: the large δ segment with the δ power percentage being more than 50%, the small one with the δ power percentage being less than 50%. The result showed that totally an average of 73.8%±7.7% of the SWS EEGs belonged to the large δ segment. Comparison of the large δ group, the small δ group and the FFT power spectrum (one-way analysis of variance, ANOVA) showed significant differences among the powers of the corresponding components in the three groups [F(2, 24) = 7.480.0, P<0.01], as well as their power percentages [F(2, 24) = 71.2262, P<0.001].

In addition, the results of post hoc two-tailed paired t-test for the comparisons between each of two power groups are showed in Fig.4(A). The δ power in large δ group was larger than in small δ group, but the other three components in large δ group were smaller than in small δ group. A comparison between the FFT spectrum group and WT large δ group showed no significant difference in δ power, while the other three components in the FFT spectrum were all greater than those in the WT large δ group. A comparison of the FFT spectrum with the WT small δ group showed that the δ power was greater and the β power was smaller in the former than in the latter, while no significant differences existed in the θ and α powers. The situations for the power percentages [Fig.4(B)] were similar to those for the powers[Fig.4(A)] except that there were no significant differences between the FFT spectrum group and the WT large δ group for all of the four components [Fig.4(B)].


Fig.4       Comparisons of the powers and power percentages of SWS EEG of different groups

(A) Comparisons of the powers of SWS EEG among WT large δ group, the WT small δ group and the FFT spectrum group for the four components of δ, θ, α and β. (B) Comparisons of the power percentages of SWS EEG among WT large δ group, the WT small δ group and the FFT spectrum group for the four components. Values were represented as mean x±s (n=9). *P<0.01 vs. the WT small δ group; #P<0.01 vs. the WT large δ group; ^ P<0.01 vs. the WT small δ group.


2.2   Analysis of TS EEG

Transition sleep is a short-lasting EEG stage following SWS and characterized by high-amplitude spindles superimposing on a background of low-voltage activity[8,9]. Fig.5 shows a segment of TS EEG with four WT power components. The histograms of the powers and power percentages of TS EEG are shown in Fig.6(A) and 6(B) respectively. In both histograms, except the β component locating in a lower position, the other three components located in close positions and their values varied in a relatively large range. Since the power of spindle (714 Hz) located mainly in the frequency band of θ and α, we divided the TS EEG into spindle and non-spindle segment based on the power sum of the θ and α components. If the power sum was larger than its average value over the whole TS EEG epoch and the duration lasted more than 1 s, then the corresponding EEG segment was recognized as a spindle segment, while the remainder was recognized as non-spindle segments [Fig.5(F)]. 28 spindles were identified by this algorithm in total 17 EEG epochs and the average spindle duration was 1.85 s ± 0.74 s.

Fig.5       Transition sleep EEG and power curves of WT components

(A) A segment of transition sleep EEG. (B) Power curves of δ WT component. (C) Power curves of θ WT component. (D) Power curves of α WT component. (E) Power curves of β WT component. (F) Power sums of θ and α WT components. The thin line in F indicates the mean value of the power sum used to identify the spindle periods that are marked out by the bars under the curve.

Fig.6       Histograms of power and relative percentages of the four WT components of TS EEG

(A) Histograms of powers of the four WT components calculated from 5 epochs of TS EEG with a total length of 75 s EEG collected from a representative rat. (B) Histograms of relative power percentages of the four WT components.


The comparisons of the four WT components between the spindle and the non-spindle segments by the two-tailed paired t-test showed that there was no significant difference in the power of δ and β, while the power of θ and α were significantly larger in spindle segments than those in non-spindle ones [Fig.7(A)]. In addition, there were no significant differences in the power percentages of δ and θ between them, but the α power percentage was larger and the β power percentage was smaller in spindle segments than in non-spindle segments [Fig.7(B)].

Fig.7       Comparisons of the powers and power percentages of TS EEG of different groups

(A) Comparisons of the powers for WT components of δ, θ, α and β between the spindle segments and the non-spindle segments in TS EEG. (B) Comparisons of relative power percentages for WT components of δ, θ, α and β of TS EEG. Values were represented as x±s. * P<0.01 vs. the non-spindle segments.


3    Discussion

FFT based power spectrum indicated that the δ power percentage in SWS EEG was 70.6%±6.4% [Fig.4(B)]. However, WT analysis indicated that the component powers in different frequency bands varied with time, and the δ power percentage was less than 50% in more than a quarter of EEG. Moreover, The powers of θ, α and β components during small δ EEG were significantly larger than those during large δ EEG. This implied an inverse relationship between δ oscillation (14 Hz) and spindle oscillation (714 Hz) that was found in other studies[7,25,26]. δ oscillation and sleep spindle are two major parts in SWS EEG. Both of them are related with the hyperpolarizing potentials in membranes of the thalamocortical neurons, but the potential levels required by the two oscillations are quite different. Therefore, it seems that they cannot be generated simultaneously. Intracellular recordings revealed a mutual exclusivity between spindle and δ oscillations[25]. An inverse relationship between the two oscillations was also found in human beings[26]. However, by using the FFT based spectral analysis, no clear reciprocal relationship was seen in rat sleep, because both δ and spindle activities increased from light SWS sleep to deep SWS sleep[4]. It might be due to the comparisons were made between relatively long duration of different sleep stages, such as light SWS and deep SWS, so that the reciprocal relationship could not be identified. Even though both activities increased along with the development of SWS sleep, they could still appear alternatively at transients. This situation was revealed in this paper by the method of WT.

Recently, high temporal resolution in sleep analysis has made it possible to identify the short-term transition sleep between the SWS sleep and the PS sleep as an important period[8,9]. Studies in rats showed that the amount of TS containing sleep sequences was significantly higher in fast learning rats than in slow learning rats, which suggested that TS containing sleep sequences were involved in long-term storage of novel adaptive behavior[27]. However, so far few studies have reported quantitative methods to analyze the non-stationary EEG signal during TS sleep. In this paper, the method of wavelet transform proved to be useful to locate the sleep spindles in TS EEG and to estimate their durations, as well as to analyze the changes of different EEG components under the periods of spindles and non-spindles.

In conclusion, the application of WT method may provide some novel quantitative measures in sleep EEG investigations, such as the percentage of small or large δ segment in SWS sleeps, the spindle amount and their durations in TS sleeps, as well as the power distribution of each WT component. These measures can be used as valuable complements of conventional FFT method to analyze the changes in sleep EEGs induced by physiological, pathological or pharmacological effects.



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Received: February 21, 2003Accepted: May 23, 2003

*Correspondence: Tel, 86-571-87951539; Fax, 86-571-87951358; e-mail, [email protected]